Second Mobility


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Corral de comedias (Almagro - SPAIN)
Activity Program

The first day we analysed the results of the questionnaires that we put into practice in every country.
The following conclusions were drawn: (Visit DOCUMENTS > Second Movility)

The following day, we suggested the following IMPROVEMENTS ON THE FIRST QUESTIONNAIRE:
To start with, we decided to include an extra question in which the students have to give 3 positive and 3 negative adjectives about themselves. (Visit DOCUMENTS > Second Movility)

After the first questionnaire we have to implement an INTERVIEW, which is the individual part of our process to find out more about the social skills of our students.

Something to emphasize is that when we put into practice the interview, we have to use our class observations as these may have a bearing on our discussions with the individual students. In this relaxed atmosphere, we will have a more accurate view of their behavior inside the classroom.

Bear in mind that, in any association that wishes to implement the following interview and according to the specific course, may exclude some questions.

The interview stands as follows: (Visit DOCUMENTS > Second Movility)

Finally, in Spain, we agreed to implement the above interview with just 1 or 2 groups, with each one of the students.

And regarding the 3rd mobility in Lithuania, we decided to share the results, our observations about the implementation of the interview, whether we have to change anything or not, apart from taking a draft of the final questionnaire there.

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